Monday, September 30, 2013

6 Absurd Things Men Like In Women!!!

Sometimes daring to be a little different can really help you out. Being like everyone else never pays out in a great way. Men like women who are different, so much so that many a times, the weird things that you do, can attract them majorly. The likes and dislikes of the two sexes differ in approach. So, here are some of the weird and surprising things that attracts men in women.

1. Do not be dolled up always

It is true that men like beautiful women. However, it really turns a man on when a woman dares to be herself and walk out clear in the light in her own real skin. Once in a while, take all that makeup off and walk to your man like you really are. He will not only be turned-on by it, but will also appreciate you more!

2. Be his visual delight

Common is boring. Being different always attracts the eye. For the married, while in your bedroom, do something that is different from the usual stuff; something different from what your husband is really expecting of you. Try walking into your room wearing one of his shirts and without anything underneath. He will be turned on with the first look itself. Try different types of lingerie. Wear a corset at times. Go for something more classy like garters or fishnet stalkings. Also, try wearing lingerie that does not match. It is a recent fashion trend much appreciated my men.

3. Do not always be dominated

Well, men like to dominate and that is true, of course! However, they appreciate it, if you turn the table occasionally. While in bed, make the first step. Do not always be subjugated by your man. Sometimes, take the command in your hand and rule him. He will appreciate your confidence.

4. Men like curves

In the run to be skinny, women have almost forgotten the charm that lies in being curvy. However, men have not! To them, the idea of a skinny woman is daunting rather than sexy. So, ladies, work up on your curves and charm your man.

5. Confidence and wit is a great turn on

A confident and intelligent woman is a great turn-on for any kind of man. Do not hesitate to show your confidence or your wit. When he makes a joke, laugh at it, and with your wits, make it funnier. Provide him with a repartee when he is least expecting. Make yourself irresistible by looking at his eyes and putting across your point. Ooze out confidence and your man will shower you with his love and appreciation.

6. Bedroom Diva

Now this one is a major turn-on for any guy. For the married, after getting intimate dare to walk in your bedroom unclad and not with a whole sheet draped on your body. This will literally melt your man! Also, sometimes, talk dirty and show your sensual openness. Do not think about your looks all the time, a man likes your out-of-the-bed hair or smudged kohl eyes much more than the prim and proper you! Stay casual and he will be more comfortable in your company.

Remember girls, men are visual creatures. So, show your sensuality and express your wildest fantasies because that is what men like.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

My marriage crashed because I was married to a stranger –Iyabo Ojo...

Iyabo Ojo is a household name in the Nollywood industry. She is an actress, a producer and businesswoman. This graduate of Estate Management and mother of two in this interview with Angela Davies, advises young ladies not to rush into marriage. She also disclosed that although she is not desperate, she could give marriage a second chance.


What is your normal day like?

My normal day is always very busy and hectic. I am a very organised person. I draw up my calendar and I try not to be caught unawares. If I have to, it has to be that I have room to be caught unprepared. That means, I have my time when I work, rest and do business. However, I have noticed that most people fail in life because they are not organised. You have to be organised, and there are prices you have to pay for it. I do my job but when I have to be with my kids, I create that time and overlook the money I am going to be paid to do a job. I tell people that when you draw your calendar, it will help you organise your life because it has worked well for me.

When did you get into Nollywood?

I started in 1998 through the help of my senior colleague, Bimbo Akintola. She introduced me to the Actors Guild of Nigeria, AGN. I had the opportunity to shoot my first movie, entitled ‘Satanic’. From there, I started doing other minor roles. I got married in 1999 and had my first child that same year. I had to stay away to nurse my baby. In 2001 I had my second child. I came back to the industry towards the end of 2001, and immediately I was asked to travel to Enugu State, Onitsha in Anambra and other places to shoot movies but I couldn’t because my two children were still very young.

I decided to join the Yoruba movie industry, the Association of Nigerian Theatre Practitioners, ANTP. I joined the Odunfa Caucus where we had the likes of Hassan Taiwo (Ogogo). I trained under them and started acting in Yoruba movies. In reality, when I joined them, I just wanted to become a producer because I felt that was where the money was. But I was advised to go into acting first and take it up from there. In 2004, I became a producer, which had been my dream.

What are the movies you have produced?

My first movie was ‘Botife’; after that I did ‘Bofeboko’ and ‘Ololufe’. My latest production is entitled ‘Arinzo’. I also have two other movies: ‘Enu orofo’ which I coordinated for my personal assistant; it is not out yet. Then I have ‘Tembelo’ which is my first comedy movie. It is going to be released after ‘Arinzo’ part two.

Can you tell us about your academic background?

Growing up, I attended Grace Children School, Gbagada, Lagos, National College Gbagada and then Lagos State Polytechnic where I studied Estate Management.

Why did you choose acting as a career when you studied Estate Management?

Studying Estate Management was not really my choice back then. I had all my required papers except English Language, and I was desperate to get into school. I decided that instead of sitting down at home doing nothing and wasting my time, why not look for a course that I am qualified? Luckily, I found out that I could study Estate Management; however, with the clause that I must pass English before I graduate. I fell in love with the course initially and while in school, I and a few friends even opened an office where we ran an estate and property business, but somehow I found myself in acting. To combine both careers was hectic and time consuming so I had to drop Estate Management and settled for my first love, acting.

How has it been raising your children alone as a single mother?

Being a single mother is very tasking because you have to be the breadwinner. I thank God for the strength. I call myself woman-man because I don’t take defeat and I love challenges. I promised myself that I was going to give my kids the best ever. I am going to work my way through it to make sure that they become what I want them to be. My son is about finishing his secondary school education and I am planning ahead for his university. My daughter too will soon be completing her secondary school education; so it has been a long journey. I have been taking care of my children ever since my daughter was two years old and now she is 12. Though it is not easy, Christ has made it possible.

So what happened? Did your husband leave you or you walked away from the marriage?

I chose to walk away because I wasn’t enjoying the marriage. It wasn’t what I wanted and I blame it on myself because I rushed into marriage. In most early and rushed marriages, you don’t get to study your partner. You people get married and then begin to live like strangers. Things you should have worked out before getting married, you start working it out in the marriage and it doesn’t help. That was what affected me. But I thank God because out of every disappointment, there is a blessing. The blessing is my wonderful children which God has given me. That is the reason why I combined their names, Festus and Priscilla, to form Fespris which I named after my company, to honour them.

Why do you say you rushed into marriage?

I got married when I was 21years old, and I met him just six months before we got married. I was in school and it wasn’t as if I was seeing him all the time to get to know him well. But the kind of family I come from, when I got pregnant, they didn’t want me to have the baby out of wedlock so the marriage came because of the baby and not because we had actually planned it that way. When we got married, he still wanted to be married and be a bachelor and I wanted him to be married and be a husband. We were two different people hence when I found out he wasn’t ready to be a husband, I decided to walk away and go back to my first love, which is acting.

Does he support you and are you still friends?

We are still friends. I don’t make enemies, that is one thing about me. He tries to support in his own little way but I truly handle almost everything and I appreciate the little he does because some men don’t even do anything at all. For my children’s sake, I appreciate what he is doing for them. They have a very good relationship with him; they keep in contact with him. He comes to visit them and they go to visit him too. I try not to come in-between them.

Is there a man in your life and are you willing to give marriage a second chance?

Marriage is a contract. If you had asked me this question five years ago, I would say no. But now, maybe yes, but I am not desperate. I am happy the way I am; if marriage comes, no problem. I don’t draw out my life plan all the way; I draw my daily life plan so I don’t know what God has in store for me. If God says Iyabo, whether you like it or not you must remarry, then I will remarry. That means the right guy will come and I will know. Until that happens, I am very happy with the man I am dating and I love him because I am a one-man, one-woman person. He is taking very good care of me. It is not every relationship that should lead to marriage. For some, you will just be best friends forever; some will lead to marriage and some will not, but if he asks for my hand in marriage, I could say yes. Till then, I am not desperate, I just keep hoping for the best. There are three things I will choose in life, and they are health, happiness and to be as humble as I can be because I already have the greatest thing ever, my beautiful kids. They make me happy, I love being around them and I love them to pieces. I can’t stop talking about them.

What’s your advice for young girls who want to rush into marriage?

I will advise them not to try it because they will rush out. I have seen lots of people after mine who made the same mistake. Initially, when I advise young ladies against rushing into marriage, they tell me that because I made one mistake doesn’t mean it is going to be a mistake for somebody else. You need to study the man you intend to marry because you will be living with a stranger. Even somebody you have dated for five years will shock you in marriage. It takes the first six months to play Romeo and Juliet, the next six months is for tolerance and after that you would decide whether to continue in the marriage or not. You need to study your partner for about a year or two to know and study the person.

What is the worst rumour you have heard about yourself?

They said I had sex in a car in London. I have never done that before, never. I don’t know about tomorrow maybe I might but I haven’t done it before. It was so awkward and funny. People carried the rumour and it was everywhere. I think that is the worst rumour.

Did it make you cry?

No, I was shocked to my bones and I laughed. I really laughed because it was funny to me. There was no truth in what they wrote at all.

Define your style?

I am a very elegant person. I love beauty and I am fashion crazy. I love gold. I create my own style, I don’t move with the crowd except I love the movement. I am a very detailed person, a perfectionist and sometimes I take things to the extreme to make sure it is exactly what I want.

How many tattoos do you have?

I have three tattoos. I have on my chest, arm and at my back. The one on my chest signifies crown, it means I am a queen. The one on my arm signifies love; I am a very loving person. I talk and preach love because I am someone who believes in love. The one at my back is for all my enemies; I am watching them, so they should stay clear.

Monday, September 23, 2013


The Lagos State Police Command says it has smashed a kidnapping syndicate in the Okokomaiko area of the state.

Police authorities gave the names of the suspects as, Azuoma Nwabugoh, Chimobi Onuoha, Moses Okoh, Nwachukwu Nwandike and Michael Arinze.

It was learnt that the suspects were arrested after policemen attached to Ilemba Hausa Division recovered a vehicle belonging to a kidnap victim, Obinna Okpara.

It was learnt that after kidnapping the victim, the suspects allegedly sold the car to one Michael Arinze. Police Public Relations Officer, Ngozi Braide, said that Arinze led police to the kidnappers.

She said, "On August 8, 2013, around 8.45pm, one Obinna Okpara was kidnapped in front of his house at Awka, Anambra State. He was released on September 9, 2013 after a ransom was paid.

"His vehicle was, however, traced to the house of one Michael Arinze at Etegbin Road, Ajangbadi, Lagos. Upon interrogation, Arinze said he bought the vehicle from one of the suspects.

"He said the vehicle, a black Toyota RAV4 with registration number, ABN 42 AA, was sold to him for N800,000, adding that he paid N50,000 as down payment."

"The Divisional Police Officer, Ilemba Hausa, SP Ekpashere Ibe, sent his men to the houses of each of the suspects, who are all residing in the Okokomaiko area."

The suspects, it was learnt, had been transferred to the Special Anti-Robbery Squad, Ikeja. The victim, however said he was locked and blindfolded in a toilet for over a week. He said the suspects kidnapped him in Anambra State and released him in Enugu State after paying N2.5m ransom.

He said, "Around 7.45pm on August 26, 2013, some men with guns blocked my vehicle and started shooting into the air.

"They drove me to a building and locked me inside the toilet after which they blindfolded me. Two days after my arrival, a female victim was brought into the toilet where I was.

"Unfortunately, the woman was on her menstrual cycle and she spilled blood all over the floor. The kidnappers fed me with rice once a day and gave me one sachet water."

The victim said after some days, the woman's family was able to pay a ransom and she was released. He said he remained in the kidnapper's den for extra days.

"My family was instructed to place the ransom in a bush and I was released but my vehicle was not returned to me. When I came out, I realised that I was in Enugu State," he added.

The alleged leader of the kidnappers, Nwabugo, denied participating in the crime. Nwabugoh said he did not know the victim and pleaded with the police to allow him go back to his three children and pregnant wife.

He said, "All these allegations against me are false. I don't know the victim. I am a trader at Alaba Market and most of the suspects you see are my apprentices."

Another suspect, Onuoha, owned up to the crime, adding that it was him and Nwabugoh that executed the kidnapping. He said he was given only N30, 000 from the operation.

He said, "My boss (Nwabugoh) brought the guns and we went to kidnap the victim. My boss drove the man to an undisclosed place in the man's jeep while I followed in another car.

"It was when my boss returned to Lagos that he gave me the victim's vehicle to sell to Arinze. Arinze gave me N50,000 and I handed it over to my boss. My boss then gave me N30, 000."

The remaining suspects said they did not know anything about the crime, adding that they were apprentices.

Sunday, September 22, 2013


 A woman who was said to have been involved in adultery was caught and forced to walk naked with her partner in Benue State.

The incident was said to have occurred on September 19 at Orokam, Obadigbo Local Government area of the state.

Apparently the woman is said to be the wife of a popular school proprietor in the area. She lost her husband on Tuesday, and was accused by her husband's people of committing adultery which she admitted she was guilty of.

Further revelation by members of Orokam stated that there is an oracle called "ALEKWU" in that town which punishes married women that cheats on their husbands and also deters people from committing atrocities.

The Oracle supposedly issues out a warning to the husband of any adulterous woman of which if he fails to take appropriate actions or return to the village from wherever he is to perform the proper rites for cleansing himself and his family, he will die.

What do you think of the woman's punishment?


Swaziland's King Mswati III has chosen an 18-year-old beauty pageant contestant as his 15th wife, a palace spokesman said Tuesday, days before a much-criticised parliamentary vote.

"I can confirm that the king has introduced to the nation a new liphovela (royal fiancee)," said Ludzidzini palace governor Timothy Mtetwa.

Mswati, a 45-year-old who is sub-Saharan Africa's last absolute monarch, introduced Sindiswa Dlamini at a Reed Dance celebration over the weekend, Mtetwa told AFP.

She wore red feathers on her head - a sign of royalty. The young woman graduated from Mbabane's St. Francis High School last year and is a finalist in the Miss Cultural Heritage beauty pageant. The winner will be announced on September 28.

The king has come under fire for his household's lavish lifestyle while the tiny mountain kingdom's 1.2 million people struggle to make a living.

Mswati reportedly has a personal fortune of around $200 million (152 euros) and the UN estimates that 70 percent of his 1.2 million subjects live below the poverty line.
He has steadfastly resisted reforms.

The new engagement was announced at a festival which also counted regional delegates who will observe parliamentary elections on Friday.

Critics have slammed the polls as a sham, partly because political parties are banned and candidates are hand-picked by traditional leaders.

The weekend's celebrations were a smaller repeat of last month's official annual Reed Dance, where young virgins from across the kingdom gather and dance for the king.
"It just happened that the international community was there to witness the event," said Mtetwa.

The wedding only takes place once the fiancee falls pregnant. Dlamini will then become Mswati's 14th wife. The monarch's colourful private life is off-limits in local media, but has drawn a lot of international interest.

Three wives left the household in recent years. The latest, Queen LaGija, fled the palace in 2012 claiming years of physical and emotional abuse.

Another Queen, Inkhosikati La Dube was reportedly abused after she was caught in bed with the justice minister, a close friend of the king.

Queen Inkhosikati La Dube
Mswati had kidnapped and married the queen when she was 16 in 2005.

King Sobhuza II,  Father of King Maswati III