Friday, September 20, 2013

HERBAL REMEDIES: Medicinal Uses of Pawpaw

a) Having half a papaya in breakfast relieves constipation. Regular consumption of this fruit can help cure piles. 

b) Pawpaw benefits in relieving heartburn during pregnancy by eating a few pieces of papaya an hour before meals. 

c) When dealing with diarrhea, prepare a concoction by boiling grated papaya in water for about 10 minutes. Stain and drink a cup of this solution three times in a day. 

d) Peel a ripe Pawpaw and cut it into pieces. Soak these pieces in vinegar for about a week. Consume two tablespoons of this home medicine two times in a day as a natural treatment for spleen enlargement. 

e) Unripe Pawpaw is helpful in getting rid of urinary problems. Besides, you can drink an infusion prepared from Pawpaw leaves. 

f) Dry some Pawpaw seeds in the sun for a few days. Grind them and add a teaspoon of this powder in a cup of warm milk or water. You can also add some honey. Drink this solution in the morning to get rid of intestinal worms. 

g) Application of Pawpaw pulp as a poultice is useful in healing burns. Applying fresh Pawpaw leaves poultice on sores and ulcers removes the offensive odor produced by the wounds. 

h) Grind a few Pawpaw leaves and add a tablespoon of honey in the paste. Taking half a teaspoon of this mixture along with water helps in the treatment of Jaundice. 

i) Regular consumption of Pawpaw juice helps reduce lung inflammation associated with smoking, whether active or passive.

j) When dealing with throat disorders like inflamed tonsils, drink the juice of unripe Pawpaw mixed with honey. It is considered good for lymphatic system. 

k) You can use papaya for hair care and conditioning. For this, you need to prepare a mixture by adding a teaspoon of honey and some olive oil in pureed half Pawpaw. Blend this mixture and apply it on damp hair for some time. Finally, rinse it out and shampoo your hair. 

l) Besides, you can crush tender Pawpaw leaves in water and use this solution as an effective hair conditioner. 

m) Benefits of papaya can also be derived by eating about 250 g of ripe Pawpaw daily in the morning on an empty stomach. Follow this therapy for at least one month to lower blood pressure. 

n) Simply applying mashed Pawpaw on skin for 15-20 minutes makes the skin soft. Moreover, the milky juice of an unripe Pawpaw can help cure acne naturally over a period of time. 

o) Another Pawpaw home remedy for skin care to remove flaky skin involves using a combination of three tablespoon of mashed Pawpaw, a tablespoon of honey and one-third cup of oatmeal. Apply this homemade face mask for about 10 minutes and then wash it off with warm water. 

p) Take a quarter part of a Pawpaw, blend the pulp in a blender, and add four teaspoons of green clay and one and a half teaspoons of aloe vera gel in it. Apply this mixture on face and rinse it off after 15-20 minutes to get clear skin. This Pawpaw face pack for skin lightening is suitable for normal to oily skin. 

q) In case you have dry and sensitive skin, prepare a face mask by mixing half a teaspoon each of raw milk, rose water and honey in half a cup of mashed Pawpaw. Leave the mixture on skin for about 15 minutes and then rinse it off with warm water. 

r) Another benefit of papaya is that it induces menstruation. Basically, unripe Pawpaw helps in contraction of uterine walls. 

s) Application of Pawpaw leaf juice heals ringworm. Leaving the fresh milky juice of Pawpaw on skin for about half an hour reduces freckles and blemishes.

Pawpaw can be eaten as a fruit, and added in salads, smoothies, and breakfast cereals as well. Moreover, you can add unripe Pawpaw in stews and soups. In certain areas, Pawpaw seeds are grinded and used as a substitute for black pepper as they have a peppery taste.

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